It has been one of those weeks where I am so stressed I can't handle anything. I am once again on the verge of tears.
Comcast didn't install the right kind of land line for our alarm system. Today was their fourth visit since moving day. AJ had to leave work early to meet them because otherwise they wouldn't come out until next week. They finally got the system hardwired so it could be activated.
However, ADT could not activate our system and couldn't figure out why. A few phone calls later and a raised voice from AJ and they realized they had five accounts for our address and were looking at the wrong one. They finally figured it out and now the system is working.
I am officially back to work and am currently going through orientation. The same orientation I went through last year as an intern. I am talking the same handouts, same powerpoint slides, and same lectures. For 7 hours a day. To make matters worse, I have been working there for a year and have been DOING everything they are teaching us for the last year.
I'm PMSing and am an emotional wreck.
I am so stressed about boarding Kona. We have a wedding to go to next weekend and will have to board her for a night and then AJ's sister's wedding in CA in three weeks, for which we will have to board her for five days. I wouldn't be freaking out if I could find a place I feel comfortable with, but every place I've researched seems to have horror stories attached to it and they freak me out. I miss the place we used to board her in NC. She loved going there and I know they treated her well!
AJ is beginning to interview for summer associate positions. He scheduled his first interview today for early next week. I'm stressed about buying a plane ticket and/or figuring out how two of us will use one car in different parts of the northeast (did I mention the interview is in my hometown in NY?). Plus I'm freaking out about being alone (for the night and potentially for next summer). I should be happy about his first interview, but the stress of it all is just making me crazy.
I hate being sad and grumpy. Hopefully I will snap out of it soon. Luckily I went on a power walk with Landlocked Mermaid at 6 am this morning, and that made me happy for a few hours. Speaking of LM, she has decided to go private, so if you want an invite email her. If you need her address leave me a note in the comments.
Campbell Park Playground, Campbell California
5 weeks ago
I've been reading Landlocked Mermaid for some time and will miss her - could I get her email addy? thanks:)
ReplyDeleteI would really love an invite to Landlocked Mermaid...I've been reading for a while now and I love her outlook on life.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the power walking, it so helps with stressful times, especially with a good friend!
ReplyDeletekeep your chin up gal, it will all work out
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear this, keep on doing your power walking, keep talking to your friends, family if you can, and your husband. It will all work out in the end, trust in that and you won't need to feel burdened. I felt the same way the other week, very PMSy and emotional and everything felt impossible and such a hurdle to overcome, but it all worked out in the end. I will keep you in my thoughts! xo
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about all of the stress!! Comcast definitely does suck in this area. Do you power walk in the city? I've always wanted to see the sunrise from the Lincoln Memorial. I wish I had a suggestion for a place to board Kona but we haven't found one for SF Pup yet. Please let me know if you find a great one though! All I can recommend is don't take her swimming at Shirlington Dog Park!! I hope today goes better! If not, there is always Georgetown Cupcake...nothing better than a delicious cupcake to make a bad day go right.
ReplyDeleteAh, I'm so sorry that you've got so much going on that is NOT great. Such a bummer sometimes! We have to kennel our pup over Labor Day weekend, and I'm nervous about it too! I hope this weekend there is time for fun stuff and a few pick me ups!!
ReplyDeleteWe are too young to be so stressed out- I am dealing with my own kinda of stress right now so I know where you are coming from.
ReplyDeleteI think naps would be a good way to destress- I may try it later.
oh no..hope you feel better. I have weeks like that to where nothing seems right . A good exercise should lift your always does for me!
ReplyDeleteI would love to keep reading Landlocked Mermaid! My email address is
ReplyDeleteAw, I'd love to keep reading LM too! My email is
ReplyDeletefor different reasons, i am feeling the same way :( Hang in there! Orientation will be over before you know it. xo
ReplyDeleteOh honey I know how you feel. Everything seems to be piling up and makes it all seem worse. Hopefully your orientation will be over soon and you can move on to bigger & better things.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you're stressed! All of the items you listed sound super stressful though! Deep breath :) You'll get through it!
ReplyDeleteSounds like you have a lot on your plate! I'm sorry you're so stressed! On the bright side, the moving stresses will soon be over. If anything, it can only get better from here!
ReplyDeletehang in there - those days always pass and then they become just a distant memory. :)
ReplyDeletesorry to hear your stressed hun.
ReplyDeleteeverything will work out!
i hope you can find a place for your pup to stay. that would have me a bit worried as well. if i was near you i'd watch your little one ;)
stay positive girly!
I would love to continue reading Landlocked Mermaid - could you send me an invite?
ReplyDeleteWe also had problems with ADT/Comcast. Sometimes I think they hire the dumbest people to install things! Hope you feel happier soon.
You've got to put up with the rain before the rainbow (isn't that what they say). I'm sure things will get better soon.
Oh, I'm so sorry friend. I hate those weeks where nothing seems to go right. Hang in there, everything will turn out fine. I completely feel your pain with the law school/summer intern thing. I promise you that once it is all over, it will seem like a distant memory. It will be worth all of the sacrifice that both you and AJ are giving. If you need anything, just let me know. xoxo
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely just one of those weeks--for me too. It always seems like everything stressful happens right at once! Power through and before you know it you'll be looking back on it.
ReplyDeleteAwwww i'm sorry you are having a shitty week :( at least its not snowing.. right?
ReplyDeleteI had a day exactly like yours this week. So finally I said "eff it" and took a 'sick' day, and just relaxed ... ALL DAY LONG.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry my love. I know it's easy for me to say, but I'm sure things will work out. Soon everything will seem easier and get better. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI'm so behind on blogs right now! I'm sorry to hear your week was crap :-( Im also sorry to hear that Landlocked Mermaid has gone private. My email addy is I'm just a lurked on both of your blogs, so I won't be holding my breath for an invite. Take care :-)
ReplyDeleteOH busy girl, I hate repeat lectures! So annoying! As if you didn't almost fall asleep last time. I hope that things are relaxing.
ReplyDeleteI am also a teach but in a small town in Indiana. I concur with you that teacher orientation is often a huge waste of time but something we all have to do! :( I found your blog through LM but was sorry to see she had gone private. If you would be so kind as to give her my email I would appreciate it. I have been praying for her adoption process and would love to keep up. My email is Thanks so much and good luck as you begin this new school year.