I was searching for a recipe this morning that I had originally found somewhere on the internet. I finally stumbled upon the recipe once I realized that I had re-posted it on my blog. And then I was like, oh dang, I have a blog!
Honestly, I have been neglecting the blog world on purpose. I needed a break. A break from comparing myself to people I don't know. A break from "keeping up with the Joneses". A break from everyone else's seemingly perfect lives. A break from pretending like everything was okay. It was all too much for me during a really difficult part of my life. And boy has it been difficult. "When it rains, it pours" has a whole new meaning to us.
Among many other things, cutting out blogging was really therapeutic for me. But over time I started thinking about all the amazing friends I have found through my blog. And how much I miss you all.
So I want to build up my Google Reader again. I want to stay away from the toxic blogs and cliques that were making me feel worse about myself and my life and instead focus on those blogs and individuals that will help make blogging fun again. I started this blog almost three years ago so that I could connect with people. So here's to finding (and re-discovering) connections that are positive and inspirational. Are you in?
Campbell Park Playground, Campbell California
5 weeks ago
I am so in.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about you last night - coincidence?
Breaks are a good thing, for sure.
ReplyDeleteHope you are well!
Ack! Toxic blogs and cliques sound so terrible! Being real is so much better than trying to be impressive, don't you think? Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteI've thought of you often over the past few months. I'm glad you're back, friend. You've been missed! Here's to a happy and peace-filled 2011!
ReplyDeleteMissed you friend! Here if you need ANYTHING!
ReplyDeleteI did the same thing. I've cut out a lot of the toxic blog/blogger/friend noise.
ReplyDeleteI fully support this. Welcome back! <3
I recently did the same thing -- eliminated a lot of blogs from my Google Reader and stopped following a lot of individuals on Twitter.
ReplyDeleteSome were "toxic", and some just irritated me for my own reasons (i.e., individuals who incessantly whined that their spouse was going away for 3 days; I don't need someone else to make me further wallow in misery from my long distance marriage).
Glad to see you are back though, and let's get dinner sometime soon!
(If you missed the name change announcement, this is Julie, formerly EthidiumBromide)
Let me tell you, those "perfect" lives are FAR from it. People who have perfect lives have no reason to talk about how perfect they are. Kind of like people who have money...
ReplyDeleteAnyway...glad you are back!
I'm glad you came back to blogging, but sometimes breaks are definitely necessary. I hope your new year is off to a good start!
ReplyDeletewelcome back, dear! i hope you've been well. i felt the exact same, so when i started up my new blog (jennliveswell.blogspot.com) - i assured myself i would not be getting caught up in any of the horrible things blogworld has to offer because there is so much good to be found!! and like MCW said - people who feel the need to constantly "brag blog" about money, perfect lives, cars, etc...i can guarantee you that those people aren't happy.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! I hope you and your hubby had a wonderful holiday. MCW, your words are so true.
ReplyDeleteWe're so glad you're back! We've missed you!
ReplyDeleteIt IS so easy to get caught up in it all! I've taken a couple of breaks lately and it's been really nice. Glad you're back. Hope it stops pouring really soon! ☺
ReplyDeleteIt can be tough to cut out the toxic blogs & cliques, as you call them (perfect description), but I've found that honestly, once you press unfollow, you never really have to think of them again. I finally stopped following the bloggers who upset me (ones I read because I felt like I should), & I don't miss them or even remember them - at all. Luckily, it's not like high school, were you might have to sit next to them in English class. The blogosphere is a big, big place, & there's plenty of room to lose yourself - in a good way! - in new people.
ReplyDeleteOf course I'm in!
ReplyDeleteGlad you're back! If anyone knows about having a "when it rains, it pours" year- it's me as well, so I hope that you will continue to read my blog! I use my blog primarily to help myself focus on the GOOD stuff going on with me. I do talk about missing my mom/grandma and when I was sick when it is a hard day for me, though, and I find that it's nice to get it out and say how I'm feelings, because there is definitely someone out there who can relate. I just want to encourage you to write about your struggles, when it feels right! Can't wait to keep up with you again.
ReplyDeleteI am in. Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteI just started blogging again too! I too want a fresh start... looking forward to reading, xo
ReplyDeleteI am in, for sure!! I went through a lot of the blogs I was following and stopped following the ones that didn't make me feel good after reading them. I didn't want to fall into that path of thinking my life isn't good enough because I don't have x, y, z....it's been a really good choice :)
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, I've missed you!!
I'm in! I was so happy to see you pop up in my feeder, I'll do anything to make that a more regular occurrence. :)
Soooooo glad you're back! You've been missed! And thanks for the honesty - I've been feeling the same way about blogging: beginning to think I'm the only one who doesn't have a perfect life! Glad I'm not the only one :)
ReplyDeleteWelcome Back!!
ReplyDeleteI guess that blogs are the same as real life - there's always bad mixed in with the good... they key is just cutting out the bad!
Welcome Back!!
Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteBlogging can be overwhelming, and we all need a break sometimes!
Here's to your return and finding happy blogs that make you feel good!!
It's so refreshing to hear someone else post about how other blogs/bloggers have perfect lives and what seems to be an unlimited supply of money. Do these people really shop that much and buys designer goods? Are they all wealthy while I sit at a desk all day? Are they that much more stylish than me but have MUCHO credit card debt? Why do I even care?
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to know I'm not the only one! Thanks!
Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteI agree with MCM's advice, and recently trimmed my google reader and twitter feed due to the toxic-to-me blogs, muuuch better!
Hope you're doing well, I'm looking forward to reading!
I was just thinking about you! Too funny. I agree.. it's so hard to read blogs sometimes. I'm too often lured in to keeping up with the jonses.
ReplyDeleteSometimes a break is just what the doctor ordered! I'm sure glad you're back though! And I hope whatever was "raining" down on you has passed, and you're doing better.
ReplyDeleteAs we said earlier today, great minds do think alike - it sounds like you were having a LOT Of the same issues that I was/still am. I think you're right, I probably need to limit the "noise" that I listen to - just narrow it down to writers that I enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry you were going through such a rough time - I knew things were hard, but I hadn't realized that they got so much worse. I hope they are now getting better. Hugs to you!
I know you've had a hard fall, and I wish I could fix it all for you!! I hope that my blog isn't one of the toxic ones you're talking about. Lord knows I am SO far from perfect! I hear you about the jealousy that comes with reading some of the blogs out there. I swear I must be the only mom of a baby who works!! I'd love to stay at home, or at least work part-time, but it's not in the cards right now. I'd love to know how others make it work (seemingly so easily), but I also know that B and I are content with where we are right now and that's what counts, right?
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you back. Feel free to read my blog, my life is far from perfect! But in all seriousness, a break is good every now and again!
ReplyDeleteYayyy you're back! Blogging has been tough for me lately, too. It seems like there's a lot I want to talk about but can't, due to some people who read my blog. Blech. But you know what? Those perfect bloggers? They are lying. The end. :)
ReplyDeleteSo glad to see you back! I can't imagine how hard things must have been, but I'm so glad you took some time away. Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteI understand exactly what you mean! Welcome back! I think I just started following not too long before your break and I've been super behind too :-) I hope everything is going well! :)
ReplyDeleteI completely get it...I've taken something of a blogging hiatus myself because life gave me lemons and I didn't have any of the other ingredients for lemonade. I'm in...I hope things are improving!
ReplyDeleteOh girl I know the feeling! I am so glad you are back!! Missed you! xo
ReplyDeleteI'm in! I've missed you :)
ReplyDeleteI seriously check your blog once a week hoping for an update. Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteI feel like I take a break from blogging every two posts. :) Breaks are a good thing but glad you're back!
ReplyDeleteI definitely know exactly what you are talking about. It's probably why I haven't blogged in months. I should probably get on that, but I am glad to see that you are back!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading your blog for several months now, but don't think I've ever commented. I really enjoy it and always check back hoping for updates. I totally get removing yourself from "toxic" people. I've done the same so far in 2011 and it feels great. :)
ReplyDeleteIm so with you. you are doing all the right things... I am glad you are back. Those blogs are not real.. and neither are those people.. you are real my dear. and I adore you xo
ReplyDeleteGirl, I'm so with you. It wasn't that long ago that I did a MAJOR clean-up of my Google Reader and deleted out anything that didn't fall in the category of "I love this blog and I can't imagine not reading it!"
ReplyDeleteAwe, I'm sorry Jackie. Blogs CAN be toxic. When I switched from blogger to wordpress I lost a LOT of toxic readers and blogs. It was a great thing for me! I'm glad you are back. I've missed your posts! I kept coming back and I think I dreamed of those green slippers gift idea!