
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thank You

I chose to write about my loss because I wanted sympathy. Maybe that makes me selfish, but sympathy is what I truly needed at that point. What I got was so much more than that. I can't even begin to express my gratefulness for all the love and support I received from you all. This has been the most difficult week of my life, and each and every comment, tweet, email, text, and phone call has helped me to grieve the loss of my first pregnancy and slowly pushed me toward the path to acceptance. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


  1. I can't imagine that there is anyone in the world (with a heart) that will judge you for wanting love and support right now. We are here to lift you up as much as we can!! I'm thinking about you guys.

  2. Not selfish one bit! Still thinking about you!! :)

  3. Love to you all - I'm glad you are taking care of your needs and I hope you start feeling a little better each day.

  4. You are not selfish at all. I'm glad you shared. And, more importantly, I'm glad you got the support and love you needed. I'm still thinking of you and sending prayers your way.

  5. I don't consider it selfish at all. If only more of us would show our vulnerabilities we might have an easier time navigating through life's obstacles with the help of others. Hoping each day gets a bit easier.

  6. Thinking of you and your hubby.

  7. I have been thinking about you every day. I pray for you all the time my sweet friend. I waited a day or two to see if you would write about this. And I am glad you did. The love and support of other women is priceless. whether they are praying for you, sharing their losses or just telling you they love you will help you gain the strength that you need right now. Selfish? Never. you have handled this with so much dignity and love.. I am always your friend and here for you.. xoxo all my love and prayers to you and A xoxo

  8. STILL thinking of you. You'll make it through this, & we'll be there throughout. <3

  9. Hey girl, I just read both of your most recent posts. And first of all, it's totally fine and not at all selfish to want some sympathy! I know this is a difficult situation. A good friend of mine is going through the exact same thing, and while I don't know personally what it feels like, I can understand what a difficult thing this is to deal with. I'm having one of those seasons where I feel like everyone I know including myself is going through an incredibly difficult time, and I hate it for all of us! I do know that I believe that God works for the good... not all things in themselves are actually good, but everything comes together for the good. This is what I have to remind myself of constantly when I'm dealing with a rough thing. I am praying for you girl!

  10. It is so far from selfish and please don't think that! My thoughts and prayers are still with you, AJ and Kona! Sending love your way.

  11. i was so sad to read your last blog... you're not selfish, you need sympathy and love in order to grieve your loss properly and healthy. sending lots of thoughts to you.

  12. That was NOT selfish; it was understandable. I'm sending thoughts and prayers your way...and I know things will get better. Until then, you've built a network of internet followers who aren't only 'here' in the good times, but the tough, as well. They're around so you can spill and get feedback and support, so don't apologize for that!

  13. I am glad to hear that you are starting to feel a little better. We will all be thinking of you! Remember that when you feel sad!! :-)
