Our lovely vacation ended on a low note....we sat next to a sick person on the plane from Miami to DC. This flight also happened to be delayed on the tarmac because of bad weather so we got an extra hour of exposure to his germs. Ugh! I've been flat in bed since Thursday night thanks to our seatmate. I feel a bit better today and my fever broke yesterday, but I sound like I've been chain smoking for 58 years and am still so stuffed up that it is making me dizzy. I am hoping I continue to feel better!
AJ is off playing hockey so I have the remote all to myself. I am switching back and forth between red carpet coverage and a Snapped marathon. My current medicine is a snuggly puppy, a mango peach salsa Yankee candle that is tricking me into thinking it is almost summer, and some tea with honey. I have been taking DayQuil regularly until today...this morning I decided I needed to give my body a break. I am such a freak about taking medicine. AJ basically has to force it down my throat. Any homeopathic remedies out there??
That is all my foggy brain can muster tonight. Hope you all had a great weekend!
Campbell Park Playground, Campbell California
5 weeks ago
feel better.
ReplyDeleteUgh, isn't that the worst!! Hope you feel better STAT!!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better very soon. My only trick is Zicam, but you have to take that right when you start feeling sick.
ReplyDeleteHope you feel better. DayQuil/Nyquil always works for me. Those shower tabs that release vapors (Vicks) are good too for clearing your head. Tea with Honey is good and lots of rest!
ReplyDeleteI go with lots of Emergen-C because it has like 1000 mg of Vitamin C. A vitamin could do this for you too. I swear it helps. Feel better!
ReplyDeleteGosh, I hope you're feeling better! I just hate it when I sound like a old man. The owrst is when you're essentially better, but your voice is still bad...terrible if you've got to make phone calls!
ReplyDeleteMy mom always made us Hot Toddys when we were sick, and I still live by them. Google it. Good luck! :)
Have you tried a nettipot or a sinus rinse (both by Neilmed)? B and I both think they work so well and while not necessarily the best feeling in the world, they aren't that bad.