Our friends from NC came up for the weekend (they are also the ones that came and ran the 10k) and we got to spend a bunch of time with them. We first met up with them on Sunday at the We Are One concert, which was a really awesome experience. We had a pretty decent view and could hear everything perfectly. Here are a few pics from the concert:
The atmosphere at the concert was electric! Later that night we watched it again on HBO to kind of re-live the experience, and it was definitely way cooler when we were there. My favorite part of watching it on TV though, was seeing the "wave" of people jumping up when Garth Brooks was singing "Shout". The way the speakers worked, there was a minor, minor delay from the front of the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument, resulting in a wave of jumping instead of one fluid jump. Maybe you have to see it to understand. Anyway...
On Monday our friends came and spent the night at our place (they usually stay with family in VA, but didn't want to deal with the metro) and we had a nice night eating, drinking wine, and playing Wii. So much fun!
It was so great being part of history, even if we didn't actually witness the inauguration. Maybe someday we will witness more history when a woman is sworn into office!
On Monday our friends came and spent the night at our place (they usually stay with family in VA, but didn't want to deal with the metro) and we had a nice night eating, drinking wine, and playing Wii. So much fun!
It was so great being part of history, even if we didn't actually witness the inauguration. Maybe someday we will witness more history when a woman is sworn into office!
We were so close to each other! I think I was just a little bit in front of you, how funny!