At the beginning of April we went on a babymoon to Clearwater Beach, Florida. After a hiccup at our first hotel, which we had bid on and won at a charity event auction, we settled into a nice resort and had a relaxing time. I am so glad we took one last pre-baby vacation and got some alone time with each other. The last time we took a nice trip on our own was our honeymoon....which was almost four years ago!
My aunts threw me a baby shower at the end of April. Our families and friends were very generous and we have just about everything we need for the baby!
At the beginning of May, my parents took us on an overnight getaway to Turning Stone Resort and Casino outside of Syracuse for my dad's birthday. We stayed at The Lodge, which was probably the nicest hotel I have ever been in. The rooms were huge and so luxurious. We all went to dinner at the Brazilian steakhouse and then spent some time in the casino that night. The next day the girls went to the spa and the boys played golf.
And on a less positive note.... This last week has been rough. I am starting to get really sore and am tired all the time again. I keep telling myself that I so badly wanted to be pregnant and should be grateful for making it this far, but sometimes having a pity party is easier. The second trimester honeymoon is definitely over. July can't come soon enough!
32 weeks